Year: 2018
Grade: C+
Country: USA
Director: McKay
Reviewadam mckay hates dick cheney and ist shows here. it’s an obvious hit piece and it doesn’t pull any punches. of course, cheney deserves most of it, but don’t watch this expecting anything resembling fairness. it’s a film about cheney as a flawed, aimless person early in his life who straightens out and finds a cause (power) worth fighting for. i think a more fair look at the cheney legacy would focus on his stated motivations at least a little bit. instead it juxtaposes everything bad that has happened in the last 40 years with the legacy of cheney. it’s ridiculous on its face and it lacks context in many instances. but, hey, cheney is a true piece of shit so i’m not too upset by it. the film also is a good reminder how bad the bush presidency was when people today think trump is literally hitler and bringing armageddon. bush is still a way worse president when you look at actual things that actually happened (i.e., facts, not speculation).
Watched in theater