It’s A Wonderful Life
Year: 1946
Grade: A+
Country: USA
Director: Capra
Reviewtremendous film. i’m writing this review months later so i don’t have as much to say about it, but there’s a scene right before he gets married that sums up what it means to be a man. he wants to leave town, but feels compelled to stay because of a big opportunity. he gets kinda violent with mary as he explains that he wants to live life for himself, but he simultaneously breaks down and it leads immediately to the scene of them getting married. i think guys have this strong desire to be independent and do their own thing and yet they also feel the obligation of family and the tug of marriage. the whole film can be viewed as man’s burden to be everything to everyone and always put himself on the back burner. sometimes it seems everyone around him is incompetent, selfish, needy, etc. in the end, though, they all come through when he’s at his lowest point. he can’t do it all himself. in the end we all need help sometimes, even someone like george bailey.