Get Out
Year: 2017
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Peele
Reviewtalked with a berkeley student about this and she said without irony that white people are crazy and fucked up after watching this movie. so, there’s that point of view. to be fair to the movie, i don’t think that’s all the movie is about, but it did reinforce that prejudice in this instance.
the movie is actually in the mold of a lot of 70s horror films about race and revenge. there were a bunch in that decade that tackled race and gender. fight for your life, for example, was about a black guy whose family was brutalized by whites and then he gets revenge. this one takes a while before it gets to the revenge portion of the film, but it finally does and that’s when it excels. when it finally embraces the genre and gets into the catharsis it’s really fun. when it’s portraying every white character as deeply racist in a passive aggressive and micro agression type way, then it doesn’t do as much for me.
Watched in theater