Living On One Dollar
Year: 2013
Grade: C+
Country: USA, Guatamala
Director: Ingrasci
Reviewdocumentary about three white guys (of course) who live in guatemala for a while to see if they can make it on a buck a day, which is how about 1 billion people in the world live. of course they also have farms and skills, but these kids decide to try to jump into the life without any of that and suffer the consequences. it’s a spurlock-esque stunt film to make an obvious point, which is that living in poverty sucks big time. beyond the unsophisticated premise, the film does get at some human realities that are worth remembering or seeing for the first time if you’re 10 and you’ve never thought about it or seen it before. the reality is that there are a lot of good people in the world and many of them are poor and far less fortunate than you are. stop being a spoiled little white person and be thankful for what you have.