I Hate Christian Laettner
Year: 2015
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Karpf
Reviewi do, or did. basically this 30 for 30 shows that laettner is just another cocky guy who was good at basketball. he is far from a silver spoon type and he did much of what he did because of a hard scrabble upbringing and a tough big brother. in other words, if he were a black guy going to UNC no one would have ever paid attention to him outside of his good basketball skills. they probably never would have named him one of the 50 best looking people on people magazine, he never would have been called a spoiled rich kid, etc. the fact that he’s white and went to duke changed a lot of that for him, for better and worse. so, instead of hating the guy i’m just going to give him his props for his great college career and then forget about him.