Walking Dead Season 1
Year: 2010
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Darabont/Kang
Reviewthis one has been on the list for a while and i finally got around to checking it out. meryl won’t watch it so i watch it on my own. read that it’s going to be on through 2022 so i figured waiting another 8 years would be pointless. there’s a lot of potential for a scenario like this in the tv format. you can explore a lot of different aspects of humanity and the aftermath of an apocalypse so i really hope they can get into all that stuff. what happened with the president during the time when society was falling apart? will some nut jobs fight for zombie rights? what about roaming gangs terrorizing the living? what about roaming gangs looking to kill off all the zombies? there’s just so much different stuff that would happen leading up to, and following, a zombie scenario that i hope they explore more of it than they have so far.
good show so far with good characters and fun plot. i’ll be caught up soon enough.
Watched on TV