True Detective Season 1
Year: 2014
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Pizzolatto
Reviewgreat little series with a couple stand out scenes. silence of the lambs is to true detective as goodfellas is to the sopranos. when mcconaughey finds the right role, he’s actually a great actor. he needs to be a guy on the edge of sanity or on the edge of society in some way. basically, he needs to be matthew mcconaughey. it’s easy to understand why he works well with a role like this when you hear him talk about life. he’s just kind of a cooky guy so he can sell this type of character. woody is a similar type of guy, but his best roles haven’t been as much on the edge of society as mcconaughey’s. working class guy with some issues seems to work for woody.
there was a lot of great stuff in this series. i’ve forgotten it all by now, but it’s great nonetheless.
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