This Is What They Want
Year: 2013
Grade: C+
Country: USA
Director: Koppelman
Review30 for 30 documentary about jimmy connors at 39 making a run for the title only to come up short. kind of anti-climatic and overblown if you ask me. he had a few games and then lost in the finals, not really worthy of a movie. you could argue that it’s really just a vehicle for talking about jimmy connors overall. as a hothead, as one who pumps up the crowd, as a new brand of tennis player, as a jerk friend. i didn’t know about this story and it was a nice one to tell, but maybe it would have been better on their e:60 series. oh, and they really need to figure out how they title these things. 30 for 30 is longer than 3:60:? wtf?