Year: 2012
Grade: B
Country: USA
Director: Layton
Reviewdocumentary about a texas family that loses their son; he just disappears and isn’t heard from for a few years. then, in spain, there is a boy who claims to be the son. he claims he was abducted, abused, tortured, etc. and brought to spain. he’s returned to his family and they accept him as their own. turns out, though, that this guy is just an imposter. he’s done this before with other families and other lost children. bizarre to say the least. sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
it says a lot about the psychology of the family that they took this kid in. i think they wanted so badly to believe that he was who he said he was that they believed it. and what does it say about this guy that he does this serially? giving people hope and then crushing it. what the hell is his problem?
Watched in theater