Crazy Horse
Year: 2011
Grade: D
Country: France
Director: Wiseman
Reviewuninteresting and uninspired documentary from frederick wiseman who is somewhat of an icon in the genre. it’s about the crazy horse strip club in paris which is evidently undergoing some artistic changes to its show. the first 15 minutes or more of the film, though, is basically the audience getting an idea of the show, up close and personal. there’s a reason it’s an NC-17 picture. it’s not especially sexy or educational so i wasn’t really sold on it from the very start. as the film progresses we get to see a bit more of the behind the scenes stuff. usually this is taken up by long bouts of exposition where one person gives their opinion of how the show should be or how things are going. apparently the french are extremely long-winded and opinionated. the only time there seems to be equitable debate is when the dancers are discussing the show. unfortunately, no matter who is talking, we don’t learn a whole heck of a lot about the industry, the art form, or anything else.
Watched in theater