Awesome; I Fucking Shot That!
Year: 2006
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Yauch
Reviewwell, mca is no longer with us and this is one of the last things he left us with. as was the usual with him, there is something that is done normally by other bands done in a different way here. in this case it’s the band concert film. it’s been done a million different times to varying success, but it’s never been done like this – with a camera in dozens of fans’ hands edited together by mca to create a concert film made by the fans.
mca’s legacy could be said to be as much about his musical contribution as it was about his visual one. from shadrach and shake your rump to body movin’ and awesome: i fucking shot that! he was always trying something new and bringing a specific vision to his videos. he’ll be missed.