Guru Of Go
Year: 2010
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Couturie
Reviewmore the story of paul westhead than lmu or hank gathers, though it spends a lot of time on those subjects in the course of telling westhead’s story. the lmu stuff is the most interesting to me because it’s the first time i remember actually getting into basketball. i had been into baseball already with the rise of the bash brothers and the oakland a’s, but basketball hadn’t clicked with my until lmu’s run after gathers’ death. unlike len bias, gathers died because he didn’t take enough drugs. like len bias, gathers had tremendous potential at the next level and died too young. bo kimble shooting the free throws left-handed, the cinderella run to the elite 8…great story here. for westhead it was topped off by a wnba championship utilizing “the system.” he’s the only coach to have a championship at the nba and wnba level.