Hamburger Hill
Year: 1987
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Irvin
Reviewnot amazingly well acted or directed, but the writing is really good and it captures life in the shit about as realistically and even-handedly as i can imagine a major motion picture doing. a few of the performances left something to be desired, particularly that of pretty boy dylan mcdermott. that was a poor casting and directing decision there. bad acting aside the film succeeds because of the snapshot it gives of the worst war in american history. we got our asses kicked and for no good reason. we didn’t respect the troops, we had the draft, we shouldn’t have been there and everything was boiling over. this film reflected all of that well. didn’t realize until half way through the film that the original music is by philip glass which is always a bonus. like the roll call at the end which is a shoutout to old wwii flicks. predator, which came out just two months before this, also used a roll call at the end.