Year: 2010
Grade: C
Country: USA
Director: Stallone
Reviewwas kind of excited about this one because i figured it would be a guilty pleasure with plenty of good action and throwback tongue-in-cheek one-liners. unfortunately it didn’t deliver. the action was occasionally good and there were some moments of self deprecating humor, but not as much as i would have liked. it also had some aging tough guy philosophy in there that gave it more humanity than the 80s action flick, which was a nice little surprise i suppose. i think a couple extra million could have gone a long way in the stunts department here and for a film like this, that kind of thing really matters. let’s face it, we’re not coming to watch this film to think about life’s regrets or the cost of being a tough guy. those elements are fine, but you gotta have the other stuff down first.
Watched in theater