Super High Me
Year: 2007
Grade: B-
Country: USA
Director: Blieden
Reviewnot exactly sure about the date i saw this, but this is close enough. this is a documentary about a guy who doesn’t smoke any pot for 30 days and then gets high all day for the 30 days after that. it’s about as scientific as you’d expect from a potsmoking stand-up comic, but less funny. it’s actually a neat little idea, but it doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. actually, i guess that’s more or less like the documentary it was based upon – supersize me. i’d like to make a documentary where all i did was eat out at fast food places, but instead of getting the worst thing possible like spurlock did, i’d practice some damn self control and get a salad, grilled chicken sandwich, or one of the other healthy alternatives.