Year: 2007
Grade: B+
Country: USA
Director: Reitman
Reviewsmartly written little film about a precocious underage girl who gets pregnant. it’s somewhat similar to rushmore in that both protagonists are too smart or ambitious or well-adjusted (in some ways) to be realistic, but neither film is truly about realism. in this film juno and her friends talk unlike anyone i’ve ever seen and it’s more for comic effect than anything else. the entire cast is great, especially ellen page, whose talent i recognized in hard candy, and jennifer garner who has a great supporting performance. it’s written by diablo cody who apparently used to be a stripper, but that’s neither here nor there. the truth about this one is that it’s a unique flick with sassy dialogue and smart characters; it’s got heart and comedy and never loses steam and all that makes it one of the year’s best.
Watched in theater