Year: 2004
Grade: B+
Country: France
Director: Nuridsany/Perennou
Reviewsimilar to microcosmos, only not restricted to the lives of small animals and bugs. co-directed by the same guy who did microcosmos, this film resembles it, baraka and more scientific films like david attenborough’s life on earth. it’s not nearly as focused on the science as attenborough’s work, but it show nature in the same wondrous way. genesis features thin, but effective, narration and a good score that help anchor the film. the narrative functions to separate the film thematically as well as entertain, as if we are sitting by at the campfire with the narrator who weaves the images together with his words. part of the film’s success comes from its simple narrative that isn’t about science or a particular belief. it’s much more in keeping with a fireside chat. fun to watch for all ages and a great film to fall asleep to; and that’s a good thing. in this respect in joins works like aphex twin’s selected ambient vol. 2 and baraka as pieces of art that are so sublime and serene that they create a perfect backdrop for sleep.