Why We Fight
Year: 2005
Grade: C+
Country: USA
Director: Jarecki
Reviewthe film revolves around the famous eisenhower farewell address in which he lays out his warning of the “military-industrial complex.” it follows a few individual storylines, most of them are 9/11 centric, but all of them revolve around the worries related to eisenhower’s warning. it’s a decent overview of the problem – the politics, the ideology, the money, etc. that said, it would have benefited from a more tight focus and a bit more digging. with the glut of documentaries available on the subjects addressed this one just isn’t as valuable as it would have been 10 years ago. there are plenty of good interviewees here, but unfortunately i think it produces a better trailer that it does a feature length film. you’re better off watching fog of war and reading addicted to war.