Devil Wears Prada
Year: 2006
Grade: C
Country: USA
Director: Frankel
Reviewdid i hate the film or just the characters in it? meryl streep’s performance was savagely good and i think her character was well-conceived. hathaway does a serviceable job and her character is supposed to be likable, but ultimately isn’t. she turns out to be a huge sellout and no amount of hollywood redemption can save her character from disdain. originally we like her because of who she is. as that changes we still like her because we hope for her to turn things around and also because character is all relative. that is, she’s measured against the other characters (most of whom are despicable) in the film and so she comes out looking decent. but, by film’s end, she’s about as sullied as the rest of them, only she should have known better so maybe she’s worse. then again, she does the right thing in the end, so maybe she’s better. either way she’s not better or worse enough to really differentiate herself from the pack. she’s kinda like al gore versus bush in 2000. maybe she is better somewhere deep inside, but she sure ain’t showing it.
Watched in theater