Year: 1997
Grade: D
Country: Italy
Director: Salvatores
Reviewa poor man’s hybrid of the matrix, total recall and blade runner. it’s not nearly as good or inventive as any of them, but it does predate the matrix so i guess you can give it some props for that. it’s in italian, but it’s dubbed so that definitely took away from the film a bit. it’s a fairly predictable and simple picture, but some of the ideas do have larger implications. unfortunately the film doesn’t expand on these ideas the way that the matrix trilogy does. the production values are quite low and that detracts from the film. the sets are serviceable, the sfx are bad and it just looks like a second rate production overall. none of the acting is truly awful, but all of the music is. in sum, it’s a film with some redeeming qualities, but it doesn’t really add much to the genre. also, since sci-fi is so reliant on production and since that’s the film’s major weak point, the film just doesn’t succeed.