Year: 1999
Grade: C+
Country: Spain
Director: Balagueró
Reviewa story that probably works better as a novel than it does as a film, at least in the form it took here. it’s not that the film is bad, it’s more that the story is better than the film revealed. it’s about a group that wants to achieve a higher plane by becoming completely evil. the theory is that by being extremely evil you can end up in the same place that the extremely pious person ends up. so they concoct a devious, intricate plan to torture a mother by kidnapping her daughter, turning her into one of them and slowly revealing all of this to the mother. the score was one of the weaker elements of the film because it was a bit too present and a bit too obvious about its intentions. it’s not that i always prefer a subtle score, but in this case i felt it was too much. it joins a fairly decent sized contingent of spanish horror films.