King Kong
Year: 2005
Grade: B
Country: USA
Director: Jackson
Reviewjessica lange is still the hottest of the three damsels in distress, though naomi watts gives her a run for her money. anyway…i like peter jackson, i’ve only missed one of his films (the frighteners) so i think i’ve got a pretty good grasp on his work. while characterization isn’t one of his strong suits i think he does do a good job of telling a well-balanced story. as expected, jack black is the major source of comic relief in this one. as his character turns, though, this balance is mostly lost. unfortunately, once that happens the film begins to drag a bit. the lengthy rampage scene at the end certainly doesn’t help. as an aside, notice the very beginning of dead alive and its clearly being influenced by king kong – hadn’t noticed it until watching king kong, but it’s there. at any rate, the film is well done popcorn fare. it’s a step down from the solidly built lotr trilogy, but it’s still got the jackson touch – it’s watchable, mostly well-balanced and occasionally dark. good stuff.
Watched in theater