For What It’s Worth
Year: 2004
Grade: B
Country: USA
Director: Lathan
Reviewit’s not as good a routine as the one exhibited in “killing em softly,” but what it lacks in humor it makes up for in social critique. he’s always been socially conscious and his humor is usually tinged with commentary on the absurdity of our views on race, gender, etc. here, though, he ratchets up the commentary towards the level of a bill hicks, though still shy of a george carlin. for example, why do we view the 15 year old victim of r. kelly’s as an innocent soul and at the same time we are willing to give a life sentence to a 15 year old boy for killing another kid while they’re wrestling? at any rate, chappelle shows he’s matured with this set and that’s a good thing. hopefully he gets back to work.