Underground Comedy Movie
Year: 1999
Grade: D+
Country: USA
Director: Offer
Reviewi should start rating comedies based upon how many laughs it produces relative to episodes of seinfeld. so if a movie is as funny as seinfeld and is about 90 minutes long then it would be three episodes worth of seinfeld (i know that the episodes aren’t really 30 minutes long, but it’s easier that way). a movie like “planes, trains and automobiles” (probably the funniest movie of all-time) would be worth 9 or 10 seinfeld episodes. the Underground Comedy Movie, would be worth about 30-40 seconds of seinfeld. there are a couple laughs, sure, but for the most part this film is just stupid. it’s not that i’m offended by the humor (i don’t think i can be offended by humor), it’s just that the humor in this movie isn’t good. it’s a matter of both execution and content…sometimes the idea might be funny, but it lacked execution. sometimes the execution was decent, but the material just wasn’t there. i liked the preview for the movie, but the movie itself was just bad.