Year: 1969
Grade: B
Country: USA
Director: Maysles
Reviewwhen this documentary first begins it introduces the primary characters – four bible salesmen – and proceeds to show a day in their lives. at first i thought i got the movie title incorrect – salesmen, not salesman – but by the end of the movie the title rings true. it’s mostly about one of the salesmen – paul brennan – who is having a streak of bad luck. he’s a real bitter character and seeing things unfold was just plain interesting. this documentary is like so many others – it’s all about content…and this one has it. the four salemen provide compelling contrasts to each other. beyond the salesmen is what they’re selling and who is selling it to them. the management is selling the profession to the salesmen so the salesmen can sell the product to you and me. everyone’s got a bill of goods they’re trying to unload and it’s fun watching it all unfold.