Paths Of Glory
Year: 1957
Grade: A
Country: USA
Director: Kubrick
Reviewone of the finest war films of all-time. well paced and tightly constructed (under 90 minutes) without suffering much in terms of character development. has some comic moments which are also quite sad. it’s mostly a heavy sarcasm that only the good guys get and that’s what makes it both so funny and so sad. i’m sure jim thompson had a lot to do with this script turning out as great as it is. this film ended up being a sort of launching point to dr. strangelove for kubrick and it shows. the sarcasm and obvious irony and ridiculous nature of the events in paths of glory are just a prelude to the all out humor that makes for the cornerstone of strangelove. at any rate, douglas is superb, the score is good, the script is great and the camera work is also very good. there were a couple weak performances, but any weaknesses in the film were wiped away by the most human, realistic and uplifting endings of any kubrick work. not the sappy ending of “killer’s kiss,” not the noirish ending of “the killing” and not the pessimistic (albeit funny and, i think, realistic) ending of” full metal jacket.” this ending acknowledges that times aren’t likely to change, but also recognizes the potential for beauty in the world – even within the least beautiful times our kind has seen – world war I.