2001: A Space Odyssey
Year: 1968
Grade: up
Country: USA
Director: Kubrick
Reviewgreat movie. lots to say about it. i’ve only seen it twice in its entirety…i think it’s open for interpretation in so many ways purposely. i don’t think that arthur c. clarke or kubrick are really trying to make one claim about outer space or spirituality, rather they are trying to tickle your imagination and get you thinking. in fact arthur c. clarke said that in the four years he worked with kubrick on this film they worked very well together and that their main goal was to make people realize a few things about the vastness and potential of space. this film has some of the best cinematography and use of sets and music that you’ll ever see. also has some of the most horrifying moments i can remember in film. kubrick is great at creating that – think “the shining,” and in a different way “dr. strangelove” and “a clockwork orange” or even the end of “the killing.” kubrick is underrated when it comes to creating horrific atmosphere or horrific situations. watch it twice and then make a judgement.